Sunday, February 16, 2014


So it's been a while...

But I've got some news for you (great news) - I'm back. Let's see, the past few months have been a roller coaster ride, I left the US and got back to DK: I left fantastic friends and returned to fantastic friends, and I got injured. Let's take a quick recap of my life since Branson and the nice summer weather.

And by the way, to those of you who said I looked like a child molester: I shaved off the mustache.

Leaving the US
After 5 amazing months in Madison and area I was met by my family in the airport in Copenhagen after long and sad travels - let me be honest, I have never cried that much before (except that time i fell from the freezer and landed on a saw - auch). Well, I got to learn some truly fantastic people in Madison and I look forward to seeing them again. During Christmas I had some time to catch up with old friends from DK, and I even went ice bathing (even though the weather was quite warm in Denmark compared to the Mid West).

As of January 1st I am officially an intern with Falck TravelCare in the external communication unit. It takes a lot of my time, but there is a nice locker room so I can bike to and from work every day, that does not count as a workout but works well as a warm-up.

Sometimes bad things happen. I got injured twice this month; both my Achilles and shoulder went bad within three days. I have been struggling with the injuries for about a month now and I'm getting worried that I will miss the national team tryout because of it. Better go pay that physiotherapist some extra money to fix me soon, isn't that how it works?

On a more serious note, I have been biking and skiing the past weeks and hope that my shape didn't suffer too much from the injuries. I have 1½ month left to get in shape and I hope that a great amount of focus and training will get me ready for this season's goals.

New Club
In 2014 I will be racing for KTK86 and Tri Team Copenhagen. The elite environment in Sigma was so small that I had to find a new club to race for and the choice was fairly easy; KTK86 and TTC are great places to learn and become stronger. Though it is sad to leave I look forward to see my old friends and team mates around Birkerød and at races.

New sponsor
This is my first real sponsor, Maxim, a nutrition company from Denmark whose products I've been using for my whole career. I really like the deal and look forward to racing with Maxim in my bottles. I am still working with and RudolphCoaching for quality coaching and tri equipment and I'm super happy with how my training and racing is looking this season.

The future
I'm a busy man. Busy sounds like important in my ears, but to be honest, I'm not that important. To save time and energy I will start posting more pictures and quotes on Instagram and Twitter so please follow the links to the right and follow me on those sites. I look forward to sharing suffer fest pictures with you soon.

This is how I packed my bike box for the journey home 

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